
Below we will outline how to install sunraster. The stable version of sunraster is what most people will want to install. If you do find a bug or a behavior you think is incorrect please let us know.

However, if users would like to get new features at soon as possible or help to develop sunraster, they will have to install the development version.

Installing the stable version

There are two options for installing the stable version of sunraster. The first is via the anaconda distribution using the conda-forge channel. For more information on installing the anaconda distribution, see the anaconda website.

conda install --channel conda-forge sunraster

To update sunraster do:

conda update sunraster

The second option for installing the stable version of sunraster is via pip.

pip install sunraster

Then to update sunraster do:

pip install sunraster --upgrade

Installing the development version

This section outlines how to install the development version of sunraster. The two primary packages on which sunraster relies are ndcube and sunpy. Both of these have stable released versions that work with sunraster. However, some developers may want to use the latest updates of these packages in their work with sunraster.

To install these packages we will use a combination of conda, conda environments, pip and git. We will assume these are all installed on your current system.

Stable dependencies install

Create conda environment

The first step is to create a conda environment (let’s call it sunraster-dev) in which to install the development version of sunraster. This will allow you to keep your root environment clean of development packages. From the command line, type:

conda config --append channels conda-forge
conda create -n sunraster-dev pip

The first line opens a conda channel so that sunraster and its dependencies can be installed. The second line creates the sunraster-dev conda environment with a list of dependencies. Next, you must activate that environment, i.e. switch into it. Windows users should type:

activate sunraster-dev

whereas Linux and MacOS users should type:

conda activate sunraster-dev

Clone sunraster repository

The second step is to clone the sunraster repository from GitHub into a directory. Let’s call it sunraster-git. From the directory in which you want sunraster-git to reside, type:

git clone sunraster-git

If you want to develop sunraster, you will need to fork the repository and clone your fork instead.

Install sunraster

Finally, we can install the sunraster development version:

cd sunraster-git
pip install -e .\[dev\]

You should now be ready to use sunraster. To check it’s installed, open an Python/IPython/Jupyter Notebook session from any directory and try:

>>> import sunraster

To make sure you have the latest updates, regularly do

git pull origin main