
The fundamental data class of the sunraster package is SpectrogramCube. It is designed to handle data representing one or more spectrograms of solar regions. SpectrogramCube stores its data as an array whose transformations between pixel and real world coordinates are described by a single astropy WCS (World Coordinate System) object. (For data that is described by multiple WCS objects, see the SpectrogramSequence RasterSequence sections.)

SpectrogramCube is subclassed from ndcube.NDCube and so inherits the same attributes and methods. It also inherits much of the same slicing, coordinate transformation and visualization API and provides some additional convenience properties relevant to spectrogram data.


To initialize a basic SpectrogramCube object, all you need is an array containing the data and an astropy.wcs.WCS object describing the transformation from array-element (or pixel) space to real world coordinates.

Let’s create a 3D numpy.ndarray representing a series of spectrograms, it will have a shape of (3, 4, 5) and let every value be 1. The first axis will represent time (and/or space if the spectrogram slit is rastering across a solar region). Let the second represent the position along a dispersing slit, and the third represent the spectral axis. Although a WCS object can often be easily created by feeding a FITS header into the astropy.wcs.WCS class, we will create one manually here to be explicit. Note that due to (confusing) convention, the order of the axes in the WCS object is reversed relative to the data array.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.ones((3, 4, 5))
>>> import astropy.wcs
>>> wcs_input_dict = {
...     'CTYPE1': 'WAVE    ', 'CUNIT1': 'Angstrom', 'CDELT1': 0.2, 'CRPIX1': 0, 'CRVAL1': 10, 'NAXIS1': 5,
...     'CTYPE2': 'HPLT-TAN', 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'CDELT2': 0.5, 'CRPIX2': 2, 'CRVAL2': 0.5, 'NAXIS2': 4,
...     'CTYPE3': 'HPLN-TAN', 'CUNIT3': 'deg', 'CDELT3': 0.4, 'CRPIX3': 2, 'CRVAL3': 1, 'NAXIS3': 3}
>>> input_wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(wcs_input_dict)

We have defined the first axis to be spatial (helioprojective longitude and latitude) which implies that this series of spectrograms represents a raster scan across a solar region. The second axis (position along slit) also has coordinates of helioprojective longitude and latitude. Although we often think of the x-dimension as longitude and the y-dimension as latitude, latitude and longitude are in fact coupled dimensions. This means that – except in a small number of edge cases – moving along the slit in y-direction will cause both the latitude AND longitude to change, even if only slightly. This is important to understand when interacting with the WCS object, and hence the SpectrogramCube class. The 3rd axis (spectral) has coordinates of wavelength.

Now that we have a data array and a corresponding WCS object, we can create a SpectrogramCube instance simply by doing:

>>> from sunraster import SpectrogramCube
>>> my_spectrograms = SpectrogramCube(data, input_wcs)

The data array is stored in the my_spectrograms.data attribute while the WCS object is stored in the my_spectrograms.wcs attribute. However, when manipulating/slicing the data is it better to slice the object as a whole as all relevant data and metadata is sliced simultaneously. See section on Slicing.

Thanks to the fact that SpectrogramCube is subclassed from NDCube, you can also supply additional data to the instance. These include: metadata (dict or dict-like) located in sunraster.SpectrogramCube.meta; a data mask (boolean numpy.ndarray) located in sunraster.SpectrogramCube.mask for marking reliable and unreliable pixels; a unit (astropy.units.Unit or unit str) located at sunraster.SpectrogramCube.unit; and an uncertainty array (numpy.ndarray) located in uncertainty describing the uncertainty of each data array value. It is advised that you use one of astropy’s uncertainty classes to describe your uncertainty. However, this is not required by SpectrogramCube. A simple array will still work but will cause a warning to be raised. Here is an example of how to instantiate these attributes.

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
>>> uncertainties = StdDevUncertainty(np.sqrt(data))
>>> # Create a mask where all pixels are unmasked, i.e. all mask values are False.
>>> mask = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool)
>>> my_spectrograms = SpectrogramCube(data, input_wcs, uncertainty=uncertainties, mask=mask)


WCS Coordinates

The primary location for coordinate information in a SpectrogramCube instance is its WCS. The coordinate values for each axis and pixel can be accessed via the axis_world_coords, pixel_to_world and world_to_pixel methods inherited from ndcube.NDCube. To learn how to use these coordinate transformation methods, see the NDCube coordinate transformations documentation.

Extra Coordinates

SpectrogramCube can also store array-based real world coordinates that aren’t described by the WCS object. These can be accessed via the sunraster.SpectrogramCube.extra_coords property, also inherited from NDCube. extra_coords is particularly useful if the temporal axis is convolved with space, as is the case for raster scans. Therefore, if the WCS object only supplies (lat, lon) for the x-axis, the timestamp of each exposure can be attached separately, e.g. as an astropy.time.Time object. extra_coords is not restricted to timestamps. To learn how to attach extra coordinates to a SpectrogramCube instance and how to access them once attached, see the NDCube extra coordinates documentation.

Coordinate Properties

For convenience, SpectrogramCube provides shortcuts to the three primary coordinate types that define spectrogram data. These are sunraster.SpectrogramCube.celestial, sunraster.SpectrogramCube.spectral, and sunraster.SpectrogramCube.time which return the relevant coordinates of each pixel. Note that sunraster.SpectrogramCube.celestial returns a SkyCoord object which contains the values of the two spatial dimensions, i.e. longitude and latitude. These properties inspect the WCS and extra coords objects and locate where and how the relevant coordinate information is stored. This is possible only if the coordinate name is supported by sunraster. To see these supported names, see sunraster.SpectrogramCube.SUPPORTED_LONGITUDE_NAMES, sunraster.spectrogram.SUPPORTED_LATITUDE_NAMES, sunraster.spectrogram.SUPPORTED_SPECTRAL_NAMES, and sunraster.spectrogram.SUPPORTED_TIME_NAMES. If the coordinate name cannot be found, these properties will raise an error. If you think additional coordinate names should be supported, please let us know by raising an issue on our GitHub repo..

In addition to the three primary coordinate types, there is also a convenience for the exposure time, sunraster.SpectrogramCube.exposure_time. The supported exposure time coordinate names can be found under sunraster.spectrogram.SUPPORTED_EXPOSURE_NAMES.


The dimensions and array_axis_physical_types methods enable users to inspect the shape and WCS axis types of the SpectrogramCube instance.

>>> my_spectrograms.dimensions
<Quantity [3., 4., 5.] pix>
>>> my_spectrograms.array_axis_physical_types
[('custom:pos.helioprojective.lat', 'custom:pos.helioprojective.lon'),
('custom:pos.helioprojective.lat', 'custom:pos.helioprojective.lon'),

dimensions returns a Quantity giving the length of each dimension in pixel units while array_axis_physical_types returns an list of tuples where each tuple contains the types of physical properties associated with each array axis. Since more than one physical type be associated with an array axis because they are dependent, e.g. latitude/longitude, or because of the rastering nature of the instrument, e.g. latitude/longitude and time, the length of each tuple can be greater than one. The axis names are in accordance with the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) UCD1+ controlled vocabulary.


SpectrogramCube inherits a powerful and simple slicing API from NDCube. It enables users to access sub-regions of their data while simultaneously slicing all relevant attributes including uncertainty, mask, wcs, extra_coords, etc. Slicing in pixel space is achieved via the standard Python slicing API while a separate API is provided for cropping a SpectrogramCube instance by real world coordinates. See the NDCube slicing documentation to learn more.


To quickly and easily visualize spectrograms, SpectrogramCube inherits a simple-to-use, yet powerful plotting method from NDCube. It is intended to be a useful quicklook tool and not a replacement for high quality plots or animations, e.g. for publications. The plot method can be called very simply.

>>> my_spectrograms.plot() 

This method produces different types of visualizations including line plots, 2-D images and 1- and 2-D animations. Which is displayed depends on the dimensionality of the SpectrogramCube and the inputs of the user. For learn more about how to customize plots and animations through the plot method, see the NDCubeSequence plotting documentation.

Exposure Time Correction

An important step in analyzing any form of photon-based observations is normalizing the data to the exposure time. This is important both for converting between instrumental and physical units, e.g. DN to energy, and comparing spectral features between exposure, e.g. line intensity.

SpectrogramCube provides a simple API for performing this correction: apply_exposure_time_correction. It requires that the exposure time is stored in the .meta attribute of the SpectromCube as a Quantity. The .meta attribute must be an instance of Meta. Let’s recreate our spectrogram object again, but this time with exposure times of 0.5 seconds stored as an extra coordinate and a data unit of counts.

>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from sunraster.meta import Meta
>>> exposure_times = np.ones(data.shape[0])/2 * u.s
>>> # Create a metadata instance to hold the exposure times.
>>> # We must also assign the exposure time to the time axis, in this case, the 0th array axis.
>>> metadata = Meta({"exposure time": exposure_times}, axes={"exposure time": 0},
...                 data_shape=data.shape)
>>> my_spectrograms = SpectrogramCube(data, input_wcs, uncertainty=uncertainties,
...                                   mask=mask, meta=metadata, unit=u.ct)

Note that the API for supplying metadata allows us to supply an additional dict designating which axes the metadata corresponds. We must also supply the shape of the data array with which the metadata is associated to enable it to be preserved through slicing operations. Also note that the metadata array must be the same shape as its corresponding data axes.

Applying the exposure time correction is now simple.

>>> # First check the data unit and average data value before applying correction.
>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct 1.0
>>> my_spectrograms = my_spectrograms.apply_exposure_time_correction() # Apply exposure time correction.
>>> # Confirm effect by checking data unit and average data value again.
>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct / s 2.0

Notice that the average data value has been doubled and the data unit is now counts per second. This method alters not only the data, but also the uncertainty if any is supplied. apply_exposure_time_correction does not apply the scaling blindly, but first checks whether there is a per second (1/s) component in the data unit. If there is, it assumes that the correction has already been performed and raises an error. This helps users more easily keep track of whether they have applied the correction. However, if for some reason there is a per second component that doesn’t refer to the exposure time and the user still wants to apply the correction, they can set the force keyword argument to override the check.

>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct / s 2.0
>>> my_spectrograms = my_spectrograms.apply_exposure_time_correction(force=True)
>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct / s2 4.0

Should users like to undo the correction, they can set the undo keyword argument.

>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct / s2 4.0
>>> my_spectrograms = my_spectrograms.apply_exposure_time_correction(undo=True, force=True)
>>> my_spectrograms = my_spectrograms.apply_exposure_time_correction(undo=True) # Undo correction twice.
>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct 1.0

As before, apply_exposure_time_correction only undoes the correction if there is a time component in the unit. And again as before, users can override this check by setting the force keyword argument.

>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct 1.0
>>> my_spectrograms = my_spectrograms.apply_exposure_time_correction(undo=True, force=True)
>>> print(my_spectrograms.unit, my_spectrograms.data.mean())
ct s 0.5


In some cases, a series of spectrograms may not be describable by a single set of WCS transformations. However, it still may make sense to combine them in order along a dimension. This is the purpose of the SpectrogramSequence class. It stores a sequence of SpectrogramCube instances and provides equivalent or analogous APIs so users can interact with the data as if it were a single data cube. SpectrogramSequence inherits from NDCubeSequence and so inherits much of the same API.


To initialize a SpectrogramSequence, we first need spectrograms stored in multiple SpectrogramCube instances. Let’s create some using what we learned in the SpectrogramCube section and include timestamps and exposure times as extra coordinates.

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import astropy.wcs
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from astropy.nddata import StdDevUncertainty
>>> from astropy.time import Time
>>> from sunraster import SpectrogramCube

>>> # Define primary data array and WCS object.
>>> data = np.ones((3, 4, 5))
>>> wcs_input_dict = {
...     'CTYPE1': 'WAVE    ', 'CUNIT1': 'Angstrom', 'CDELT1': 0.2, 'CRPIX1': 0, 'CRVAL1': 10, 'NAXIS1': 5,
...     'CTYPE2': 'HPLT-TAN', 'CUNIT2': 'deg', 'CDELT2': 0.5, 'CRPIX2': 2, 'CRVAL2': 0.5, 'NAXIS2': 4,
...     'CTYPE3': 'HPLN-TAN', 'CUNIT3': 'deg', 'CDELT3': 0.4, 'CRPIX3': 2, 'CRVAL3': 1, 'NAXIS3': 3}
>>> input_wcs = astropy.wcs.WCS(wcs_input_dict)
>>> # Define a mask with all pixel unmasked, i.e. mask values = False
>>> mask = np.zeros(data.shape, dtype=bool)
>>> # Define uncertaines for data, 2*data and data/2.
>>> uncertainties = StdDevUncertainty(np.sqrt(data))
>>> uncertainties2 = StdDevUncertainty(np.sqrt(data * 2))
>>> uncertainties05 = StdDevUncertainty(np.sqrt(data * 0.5))

>>> # Define exposure times.
>>> exposure_times = np.ones(data.shape[0])/2 * u.s
>>> axis_length = int(data.shape[0])
>>> meta = Meta({"exposure time": exposure_times}, axes={"exposure time": 0},
...             data_shape=data.shape)

>>> # Create 1st cube of spectrograms.
>>> timestamps0 = Time([datetime(2000, 1, 1) + timedelta(minutes=i)
...                     for i in range(axis_length)], format='datetime', scale='utc')
>>> extra_coords_input0 = [("time", 0, timestamps0), ("exposure time", 0, exposure_times)]
>>> spectrograms0 = SpectrogramCube(data, input_wcs, uncertainty=uncertainties, mask=mask,
...                                 meta=meta, unit=u.ct)
>>> for extra in extra_coords_input0:
...     spectrograms0.extra_coords.add(*extra)
>>> # Create 2nd cube of spectrograms.
>>> timestamps1 = Time([timestamps0[-1].to_datetime() + timedelta(minutes=i)
...                     for i in range(1, axis_length+1)], format='datetime', scale='utc')
>>> extra_coords_input1 = [("time", 0, timestamps1), ("exposure time", 0, exposure_times)]
>>> spectrograms1 = SpectrogramCube(data*2, input_wcs, uncertainty=uncertainties2, mask=mask,
...                                 meta=meta, unit=u.ct)
>>> for extra in extra_coords_input1:
...     spectrograms1.extra_coords.add(*extra)
>>> # Create 3rd cube of spectrograms.
>>> timestamps2 = Time([timestamps1[-1].to_datetime() + timedelta(minutes=i)
...                     for i in range(1, axis_length+1)], format='datetime', scale='utc')
>>> extra_coords_input2 = [("time", 0, timestamps2), ("exposure time", 0, exposure_times)]
>>> spectrograms2 = SpectrogramCube(data*0.5, input_wcs, uncertainty=uncertainties05, mask=mask,
...                                 meta=meta, unit=u.ct)
>>> for extra in extra_coords_input2:
...     spectrograms2.extra_coords.add(*extra)

If we choose, we can define some sequence-level metadata in addition to any metadata attached to the individual raster scans:

>>> seq_meta = {"description": "This is a SpectrogramSequence."}

To create a SpectrogramSequence, simply supply the class with a list of SpectrogramCube instances.

>>> from sunraster import SpectrogramSequence
>>> my_sequence = SpectrogramSequence([spectrograms0, spectrograms1, spectrograms2],
...                                   meta=seq_meta)


In order to inspect the dimensionality of our sequence and the physical properties to which the axes correspond, we can use the dimensions and array_axis_physical_types properties.

>>> my_sequence.dimensions
(<Quantity 3. pix>, <Quantity 3. pix>, <Quantity 4. pix>, <Quantity 5. pix>)
>>> my_sequence.array_axis_physical_types
[('meta.obs.sequence',), ('custom:pos.helioprojective.lat', 'custom:pos.helioprojective.lon', 'time', 'custom:CUSTOM'), ('custom:pos.helioprojective.lat', 'custom:pos.helioprojective.lon'), ('em.wl',)]

Note that this is the same API as SpectrogramCube except that sunraster.SpectrogramSequence.dimensions returns an iterable of Quantity objects, one for each axis. This is because of its inheritance from NDCubeSequence rather than NDCube. Also note that there are now four dimensions, as the sequence is treated as though it were an additional data axis. This can be very helpful if you have a series of 2D spectrograms and want to use the sequence axis to represent time. sunraster.SpectrogramSequence.array_axis_physical_types returns a list of tuples of the same IVOA UCD1+ controlled words used by sunraster.SpectrogramCube.array_axis_physical_types. The sequence axis is given the label 'meta.obs.sequence'.


Coordinate Properties

Just like SpectrogramCube, SpectrogramSequence provides convenience properties to retrieve the real world coordinate values for each pixel along each axis, namely sunraster.SpectrogramSequence.celestial, sunraster.SpectrogramSequence.spectral, sunraster.SpectrogramSequence.time and sunraster.SpectrogramSequence.exposure_time. Since there is no guarantee that SpectrogramCube’s WCS transformations are consistent between SpectrogramCube s, sunraster.SpectrogramCube.celestial return 3-D SkyCoord instances and sunraster.SpectrogramCube.spectral returns a 2-D Quantity where the additional dimension represent the coordinates for different SpectrogramCube instances.

Exposure Time Correction

Analogous to SpectrogramCube, SpectrogramSequence also provides a apply_exposure_time_correction method. This is simply a wrapper around the SpectrogramCube version that saves users from apply or removing the exposure time correction to each SpectrogramCube manually. To remind yourself how that method works, see the SpectrogramCube Exposure Time Correction section. Note that for this method to work, the exposure time values must be stored in the .meta attribute of the relevant constituent SpectrogramCube objects.


SpectrogramSequence provides an identical slicing API to SpectrogramCube. Although recall that a SpectrogramSequence has an additional dimension. As with SpectrogramCube, the slicing API manipulates not only the data, but also all relevant supporting metadata including uncertainties, mask, WCS object, extra_coords, etc.

To slice a SpectrogramSequence, simply do:

>>> my_sequence_roi = my_sequence[1:3, 0:2, 1:3, 1:4]

We can check the effect of the slicing via the dimensions property.

>>> print(my_sequence.dimensions)  # Check dimensionality before slicing.
(<Quantity 3. pix>, <Quantity 3. pix>, <Quantity 4. pix>, <Quantity 5. pix>)
>>> print(my_sequence_roi.dimensions) # See how slicing has changed dimensionality.
(<Quantity 2. pix>, <Quantity 2. pix>, <Quantity 2. pix>, <Quantity 3. pix>)

Slicing can reduce the dimensionality of SpectrogramSequence instances. For example, let’s slice out the 2nd pixel along the slit.

>>> my_3d_sequence = my_sequence[:, :, 2]
>>> print(my_3d_sequence.dimensions)
(<Quantity 3. pix>, <Quantity 3. pix>, <Quantity 5. pix>)


To quickly and easily visualize slit spectrograph data, SpectrogramSequence supplies a simple, yet powerful plotting API. It is intended as a useful quicklook tool and not a replacement for high quality plots or animations, e.g. for publications or presentations.

>>> my_sequence.plot() 

As with SpectrogramCube, this method produces different types of visualizations including line plots, 2-D images and 1- and 2-D animations. Which is displayed depends on the dimensionality of the SpectrogramSequence and the inputs of the user. For learn more about how to customize plots and animations through the plot method, see the NDCubeSequence plotting documentation.

Spectrogram Collections

During analysis of slit spectrograph data, it is often desirable to group different data sets together. For example, you may have several SpectrogramCube or RasterSequence objects representing observations in different spectral windows. Or we may have fit a spectral line in each pixel and extracted a property such as linewidth, thus collapsing the spectral axis. In both these cases, the RasterSequence objects share a common origin and set of coordinate transformations with the original observations (except in the spectral axis in the latter example). However, they do not have a sequential relationship in their common coordinate spaces and in the latter case the data represents a different physical property to the original observations. Therefore, combining them in a RasterSequence is not appropriate.

sunraster does not provide a suitable object for this purpose. However, because SpectrogramCube SpectrogramSequence and RasterSequence are instances of ndcube classes underneath, users can employ the ndcube.NDCollection class for this purpose. NDCollection is a dict-like class that provides additional slicing capabilities of its constituent data cubes along aligned axes. To see whether NDCollection could be helpful for your research, see the NDCollection documentation.